Najboljše 3 zapestnice za dolge razdalje za prijatelje ali ljubitelje leta 2022

3 najboljše zapestnice na dolge razdalje

Pravijo, da zaradi odsotnosti srce postane lepše.

Te besede so še bolj resnične za ljudi, ki so v razmerjih na daljavo ali za ljudi, ki so dalj časa oddaljeni od osebe, ki jim je mar. Če je to nekaj, kar doživljate, potem zagotovo veste, kako težko je, da ne morete doseči in se dotakniti osebe, ki jo imate radi, kadar koli želite.

Čeprav redni klici in skyping pogosto nekoliko olajšajo stvari, tega nikoli ni dovolj . Še vedno boste to osebo še bolj pogrešali, ko boste odložili klic. V popolnem svetu bi jih lahko poklicali in se z njimi pogovarjali 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu in bilo bi, kot da nikoli niso odšli.

Žal to ni mogoče. Najbolj nenavadno pa je, da včasih vse, kar resnično potrebujemo, je , da jim damo vedeti, da razmišljamo o njih, in da na nek način vemo, da mislijo na nas. Drugič si preprosto želimo imeti njihov simbolni del ves čas ob sebi.

Na srečo je v teh čudovitih časih, v katerih živimo, vse to mogoče . In vse kar potrebujete je zapestnica.

Če ste torej v razmerju na daljavo ali če imate prijatelja ali družino, ki je dolgo od vas, in jih zelo pogrešate, so tukaj tri najboljše zapestnice za dolge razdalje , ki vam bodo pomagale zdržati do jih spet srečaš.

Believe London Distance Zapestnice

Believe London is a company that believes in the power of love. They created the Distance Bracelets to allow lovers who are apart to feel connected and look forward to the day they?ll meet again. With a Believe London Distance Bracelet, you will always have a piece of the person you love with you at all times. So no matter who and where they are, the distance and time separating you two won’t feel as bad.

Believe London Distance Bracelets are made of high quality 8mm precious stones. These stones are connected by a very strong elastic, so you wear them every day without worrying about them breaking.

If you believe in the healing power of nature, then they have you covered on that front too. The Distance Bracelets are made using Black Onyx and White Howlite, precious stones with natural healing properties. Many people and cultures believe Black Onyx helps in the release of negative emotions and stress while White Howlite has calming properties.

Believe London is also a brand that believes in the power of charities, so they donate 5% of all the profits from the sale of their bracelets to charities helping children in need.

Believe London Distance Zapestnice


  1. The bracelets are very comfortable to wear, and they will not pull your arm hairs
  2. Very high-quality stones and high strength elastic
  3. If you believe in the healing properties of nature, the Distance Bracelets also have you covered
  4. The bracelets come with a 125% money-back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied with them, you can get your money back plus 25%
  5. Believe London has really great customer service, often replying to their customers? concerns within a few minutes.


  1. The bracelets do not come with individual pouches. You only get one pouch, so one person’s storage requirements are not catered for
  2. The black bracelet is not as strong or long-lasting as the white one
Believe London Distance Bracelets pregled


Believe London Distance Bracelets are a great low-tech way to keep the person you love close by.

They are extremely high quality and very long-lasting, meaning you will get to keep wearing them for as long as you need to, or perhaps until you meet that special someone once more.

Perfect for friends and lovers alike, these bracelets are definitely worth trying out if you want to keep them at the back of your mind until you meet them again.

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Bond Touch

The Bond Touch is a simple couple’s bracelet that works under one simple principle: When you touch it, your partner feels it, no matter where you are. It has an accompanying app that allows you to view your touch conversation history, replay past touches, follow your partner’s location, and to see whether your partner’s Bond Touch is almost running out of battery.

When you touch your Bond Touch, your partner’s bracelet lights up in a pre-selected color of your choice. It also vibrates to let them know that you are thinking about them.

The set-up process for the Bond Touch is simple. First, you have to make sure that you have a phone that is connected to the internet with Bluetooth on. You also need to make sure that your bracelet is fully charged. Then download and install the Bond Touch app, which is available for free on both the Play Store and the iOS app store.

The next thing you have to do is enter your phone number. The app will then prompt you to enter a confirmation number and your name. You will then have to choose a profile picture, although you can skip this step if you want.

Next, you will pick the color you want your partner’s bracelet to show. You can change this as many times as you want. Once this is done, you are finished setting up your Bond Touch and you can now connect it to your phone. It will be linked to your number, and your partner can connect with you by simply adding your number in their app. Be sure to connect with your partner in your app too.

And that’s all there is to it! When you touch your bracelet, your partner will feel it right away on theirs, no matter where in the world you both are.

You can also send an extra-special message to your partner by sending up to 10 taps as one message. This allows the two of you to come with interesting secret codes or unique rhythms that make the distance between you a little less rough.

The Bond Touch comes in pairs, with each bracelet packaged separately. Each package has one Bond Touch bracelet, once charger, set-up instructions, and one black TPU bracelet.

Bond zapestnica na dotik


  1. It is very simple to use
  2. It functions anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection
  3. The vibrations you get are quite gentle and soothing, nothing like the rough jarring vibrations of a text message
  4. The batteries last very long, which allows the bracelets to go a whole day without needing any additional charge
  5. It is an interesting way of letting your partner know you are thinking about them
  6. It allows for various touch lengths and up to 10 taps in one message, which gives you the opportunity to create special unique codes that only you and your partner can feel and understand


  1. The app needs to constantly run in the background if you want to receive touches, and this can drain your phone battery
  2. It is not waterproof
  3. The bracelets can sometimes irritate the wrists when worn for a long time, so consider getting alternative or DIY bands if you can
  4. If your partner is not near their phone, the touches can be delayed
Bond touch pregled


If you are looking for an interesting, sweet way to enrich your long-distance relationship, then the Bond Touch is definitely worth a shot.

Although they will never replace the physical touch from the person you love, they sure do a lot more than a simple phone call.

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Hey Bracelet

The Hey Bracelet is an ABS plastic and Silicon connection bracelet by a company called House of Haptics, designed for people in long-distance relationships or people who have someone they care about that lives far away from them. It offers a solution to the need for staying connected that cannot be fulfilled by a mere phone call.

It comes in a black box with pretty standard packaging. Immediately you open the box, you will find the instructions on how to use the bracelets, and a set of two bracelets with their accompanying USB cables immediately underneath. You can purchase these bracelets as either one white and one black, two white, or two black variants.

The bracelets will fit quite snugly on most people’s arms without feeling loose or falling off. Once you put the bracelet on, you have to download the Hey Bracelet app for Android or Apple phones.

These are the only operating systems that Hey supports, so if you have a Windows phone or anything different, you will, unfortunately, be unable to use it. It is also important to mention that the Hey app only works on Android 4.4 and up and iOS 9 and up.

Once your app is downloaded, you will need to create your user profile, then sync the app with each bracelet. It is a good idea to do this from separate rooms because it is pretty easy to get the connections mixed up between the two bracelets. So as you sync your app to the bracelets, make sure you are connected to your own bracelet first before connecting to your partner?s.

The idea behind Hey Bracelets is pretty simple. Wherever you are in the world, if you are thinking about the other person, simply touch your bracelet and it automatically sends the touch to your partner.

The Hey app is also pretty neat. It gives a complete history of all your touches, plus a map showing where the touches were sent from. The app is what allows for the touches to be sent and received from anywhere in the world. However, you both need your smartphones to have internet connections and to be connected to the bracelet via Bluetooth.

To charge a Hey Bracelet fully, you will need about 2 hours. It has a battery life of 3 days when inactive, and about 1 to 2 days when in use. On average, the Hey Bracelet?s Bluetooth range is about 5 meters from your phone, although this distance depends on the number of obstacles between you and your phone.

Hej pregled zapestnice


  1. The bracelets have a really modern design that looks stylish on both men and women
  2. It doesn’t feel heavy on the wrist, so you will hardly notice that it is there unless your partner alerts you
  3. It is completely weatherproof and waterproof.


  1. For it to work, both your phones need to have an internet connection with Bluetooth turned on. This may not always be possible
  2. It has very limited customization options. All you get is either black or white
  3. To produce the squeeze, you?ll hear an audible motor sound that takes away from the experience a little bit. It can actually be rather annoying if you are in a quiet room
Hej zapestnica

Verdict of the Hey Bracelet

Everyone wants to be close to the person they love. But sometimes, that is simply just not possible. When it is impossible to hold that special someone, simply reach out to your Hey Bracelet and send them a special touch to let them know you are thinking about them.

With the ability to mimic human touch, Hey Bracelet will be able to bridge the distance between your hearts from anywhere in the world.

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Final Thoughts

Včasih, ne glede na to, kako zelo pogrešate osebo, ki vam je mar, res ne morete storiti veliko, razen da se potrpežljivo zdržite in počakate, da se znova srečate.

Lahko traja tedne, mesece ali celo leta, toda ljubezen in naklonjenost, ki ju čutite do njih, bi morala biti dovolj, da vas popeljeta skozi vse. Če jih želite obdržati še bližje in jim morda dati vedeti, da občasno razmišljate o njih, bi morala ena od teh treh zapestnic narediti trik.

– Emily za zabavo na dolge razdalje

Author: Erika

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