7 najboljših vibratorjev na daljinsko upravljanje za Bluetooth seks (2022)

najboljši vibratorji na daljinsko upravljanje

Iščete najboljše vibratorje na daljinsko upravljanje? Vse je tukaj!

Ena od velikih stvari, ki jih morajo pari v razmerju na daljavo razumeti, je način, kako svoje spolno življenje ohranjajo zabavno , ko nimajo priložnosti, da se vidita drugače, kot bi si želeli.

Če ste pravkar sklenili razmerje na daljavo, morda celo razmišljate o tem, KAKO lahko s kakršno koli domišljijo utrdite seks v svoj odnos!

Idealno bi bilo, če imate nekaj razmišljanja. Vendar pa lahko vsak izmed nas uporabi nekaj priporočil .

Zanesljivo dejstvo je, da sem velik ljubitelj seks igrač, ko gre za seks na daljavo.

Seksting je zabaven; Seks po Skypeu je osupljivo boljši, vendar ni nič podobnega seks igrači, ki bi vaši spolni rutini dodala nekaj gorečnosti . In za to so moji najljubši vibratorji na daljavo.


Ker, no, gre za naše veselje, dame. V vsakem primeru to ne pomeni, da tega tudi vaš moški ne bo cenil. Resnici na ljubo, morda celo bolj uživa kot vi .

Ti vibratorji so narejeni za odnose na dolge razdalje, saj jih je mogoče nadzorovati od koder koli na planetu. Vse kar potrebujete je mobilni telefon in Wifi povezava.

Prav tako je nekaj tako vročega v tem, da je vaš moški povezan z nečim, kar bi običajno počeli sami , še posebej, ker so nekateri oddaljeni vibratorji ponavadi dovolj majhni in dovolj tihi, da jih lahko vzamete ven sredi belega dne? če ste dovolj pogumni.

Obstaja toliko vibratorjev, ki jih je treba pogledati, a v tej objavi delim svojih najljubših sedem.

So prilagodljivi in jih je mogoče nadzorovati z aplikacijo na vašem pametnem telefonu prek Bluetooth in Wifi , vsi pa imajo edinstvene funkcije, ki bodo brez težav popestrile vaše spolno življenje.

Izbira najboljšega za vas se bo zanašala na to, kar iščete. Vibrator za krogle? Vibrator za točko G? Bluetooth vibrator? Kaj ponuja vseh teh 7 odličnih vibratorjev na daljinsko upravljanje , bi morali raziskati v tem pregledu .

??Da ne boste prejeli ponarejenih ali pokvarjenih izdelkov, NE kupujte nobene seks igrače pri Amazonu ali Ebayu . Močno priporočam, da naročate samo pri zaupanja vrednih in pooblaščenih prodajalcih in uradnih trgovinah , kot so tiste, ki sem jih omenil v tem članku. Uživajte! ?

1. Lovense Lush 2: Ultimate Remote Vibe

Vibrator na daljinsko upravljanje lush

? Kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati celotno oceno Lush 2

The Lovense Lush 2 is an extremely sexy-looking vibrator that is pleasantly intended to stimulate the hot twosome: your G-spot and your clit. Smart, intense, and utterly wearable, this is one vibrating egg that is ensured to flavor up your long distance relationship.

So here’s the nerd bit about how Lovense Lush 2 works. Like Vibease and Kiiroo toys, Lush is compatible with Android and iPhones, thanks to its Bluetooth antenna.

It is effortless to set up the app on your smartphone and with your partner’s phone. You download the Lovense Remote application from the iOS or Android application store, fill in your email and other elements to enroll and switch on your toy.

You can cheerfully use this vibrator alone, by controlling the vibes from your own smartphone. In any case, since we’re looking at approaches to spice things up in your relationship, you will be able to associate with your lover.

To give your partner control, you send him a request using the application, and once he’s acknowledged it, you’re ready. When you are long-distance, the vibe is controlled via the Internet. For whatever length of time that you have Wi-Fi, you are set for some good times.

You, or your partner, control the vibrations through the touchscreen on the application, sliding your finger around to accelerate, back off, and change the pattern.

This must be one of the least complicated, and most fun approaches to get your buzz.

It’s so simple; you let your fingers do the strolling and since it is your telephone you are playing with, you can do it anyplace you set out!

Furthermore, your sweetheart can have a fabulous time on his phone when he’s on the train or in a meeting, knowing he’s sending you wild.

Since the vibrator can likewise be controlled from short proximity, it is a decent alternative for when your sweetheart is back around the local area ? give him the controls and use this as a significant aspect of your foreplay in the room or even as an attractive diversion when you’re out on the town.

I discovered the Lovense Lush 2 one was better for close distance as there were a few minor issues with lost connections and trouble setting up the mutual shared connection when my lover was out of town.

But it is definitely the best remote vibrator on the market to date!

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2. OhMiBod Esca 2: The Best Alternative To the Lush

daljinsko vodeni vibrator ohmibod lush

? Click here to read the full Ohmybod Esca 2 review

Unique, sexy and interactive. A real competitor for the Lovense Lush!

The OhMiBod Esca 2 is a Bluetooth wearable vibrator designed to offer women the delight of strong vibrations anywhere and anytime they want. Esca is an insertable vibrating egg made to be used under panties and even outdoors… if you dare ;).

This device can be connected to the OhMiBod smartphone app, offering full remote control.

There’s even an integrated “chat” function on the app, so you can send out sexts while managing the vibrations.

The charm of the OhMiBod Esca 2 is that you can have fun with your partner anywhere, as long as you can connect. Link your Esca to your phone app through Bluetooth then pass control to your partner online.

My favorite part about the Esca 2 is that you can pair it with the Kiiroo adult toys (Onyx, Pearl, Launch, Fuse and more) thanks to the FeelConnect app.

That means that not only you can give control to your partner, but you can also have some real-time teledildonic sex, thanks tothe most recent and finest innovations of the Sex Tech.

As usual with Ohmibod, the vibrator is made of medical-grade silicone which is entirely body safe.Just keep in mind you must use a water-based lube if needed. This will make sure that the silicone won’t be damaged since other types of lube can harm the coating or leave a residue after cleansing.

In the box, you will get the Esca 2 by OhMiBod (Powered by Kiiroo), a USB charging cable, a user guide and a privacy pouch.

Once paired to the OhMiBod mobile app, you can manage the intensity and pattern of the Esca 2. Use the pre-programmed patterns or touch the screen for some spontaneous control. The LED light in the antenna will shine in sync with the vibrations to offer a visual feedback to your partner.

The Bluetooth range goes as far as 7.5 meters, however, this can vary depending on the obstacles between the phone and the toy. Anyway, just relax and let your partner lead you on a journey of pure enjoyment. The integrated LED will show the way.

If you are looking for a G-spot vibrator, the OhMiBod Esca is a great first step to explore the world of long-distance sex toys. If you learn it is your thing, in the future, you can get other Kiiroo toys to sync with your OhMiBod Esca 2.

Simply put, the OhMiBod Esca 2 is the very best toy when beginning with remote-controlled vibrators.

Z učinkovitimi vibracijami točke G, fantastičnimi funkcijami aplikacije, robustno povezavo Bluetooth, združljivostjo s številnimi mobilnimi napravami in igračami ter sladko ceno verjamemo, da bo zagotovo popestrilo vaš odnos!

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Ne pozabite na naše malo darilo za vas: z uporabo vaše posebne kode za popust ?SEXTECH lahko dobite -10% popust? ! ?

3. We-Vibe Sync: najboljši vzdušje za igro v paru

igrača z aplikacijo za pametni telefon

? Kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati celoten pregled We-Vibe Sync

Če iščete igračo, ki jo lahko uporabljate, ko ste daleč drug od drugega ali v isti sobi, nedvomno razmislite o We-Vibe Sync .

Za razliko od drugih vibratorjev je bil ta ustvarjen za uporabo v celotnem penetrativnem seksu z upravljanjem s pritiskom na gumb prek aplikacije We-Connect na vašem mobilnem telefonu. Zasnova pomeni, da lahko tako vaše kot njegove roke svobodno počneta, kar želite, in da bosta oba hkrati uživala v teh okusnih vibracijah.

Medtem ko se uporablja v solo, je We-Vibe zasnovan tako, da lahko stimulira vaš klitoris in G-točko . Na nek način je mešanica med običajnim vibratorjem in jajčnim vibratorjem, ki zagotavlja največje rezultate.

Izbirate lahko med desetimi načini vibracij in stopnjami jakosti, ki vključujejo osnovne nizke/srednje/visoke nastavitve, impulz in valovanje ter najbolj zanimive, imenovane plima, greben in deskanje.

Če želite stvari popestriti, lahko vaš partner ustvari prilagojen seznam predvajanja, izbere vse različne nastavitve in vas z njim preseneti . Lahko pa ga naredite sami in ga pustite njemu!

Ta dvomotorna igrača je vrhunski ponudnik orgazma za večopravilnost. Slog s podpisom We Vibe omogoča uporabo med seksom, ta nova različica pa vključuje aplikacijo, zaradi katere je uporabna kjer koli. S samo nekaj dotiki vam aplikacija omogoča, da svojemu partnerju omogočite nadzor nad We-Vibe Sync od koder koli, tudi v drugi državi ali državi.

Moje najljubše funkcije?

  • Aplikacija nadzoruje vsak motor posebej za popolnoma prilagojeno G-točko in stimulacijo klitorisa . Če vaš partner ugotovi, da so notranje vibracije preveč ekstremne (zanj ali za vas), lahko namesto tega na primer preprosto vklopi klitorisalni stimulator.
  • V načinu razmerja na dolge razdalje vam priročna funkcija časovne omejitve omogoča, da zmanjšate aplikacijo We-Connect in jo ohranite med vašim videoklicem, kar je idealno za ljubitelje na dolge razdalje, ki želijo skupaj deliti svoj intimni čas.

Ko bosta končno skupaj, lahko nadaljujeta in poskusita skupaj, da si delita vzdušje. Do takrat vam ne bomo svetovali, da ga uporabljate za seks na daljavo, saj za to zagotovo ni najboljša. Na tem seznamu lahko najdete nekaj veliko boljšega.

Vendar pa je We-Vibe Sync, zasnovan za igranje čudnih parov, prevzel prefinjen slog prvotnega We-Vibe in ga integrira z upravljanjem s pritiskom na gumb in aplikacijo za pametne telefone za neprimerljivo zabavo v spalnici .

Priložen je tudi brezžični daljinski upravljalnik, če telefona ni zraven.

Je resnično fleksibilna igrača. Solo igra je enostavna z gumbom na igrači ali daljinskem upravljalniku in aplikacija je odlična za igranje skupaj, tudi ko ste narazen. Video klic poteka gladko in zdi se, da pri aplikaciji skoraj ni težav z zamudo , tako da lahko vaš partner resnično uživa v vožnji z vami.

Kot smo rekli, ni najboljša možnost za pare v razmerju na daljavo, a vseeno veliko boljša od Candy Crush, ko ste narazen!

Malo se premakne, ko ga uporabljamo skupaj, in zahteva veliko maziva, vendar je to vsekakor obvezno, ker ste fizično skupaj. Za tiste, ki so zaskrbljeni zaradi stroškov tega, se to izplača, saj je kot da bi dobili 3 igrače v eni edinstveni, pametni in inovativni napravi .

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4. Vibease: edini vibrator, ki ga lahko sinhronizirate z zvočnimi knjigami

vibrator na dolge razdalje

? Kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati celotno oceno Vibease

V redu, kje začeti z Vibease? Ta majhen, a močan Bluetooth vibrator ima VELIKO prednosti.

Morda je najboljša ta, da je nosljiva. Torej, če ste vi in ​​vaš ljubimec edinstveno drznega temperamenta, ga lahko vtaknete v spodnje spodnje hlače in zdrsnete ven.

He would then be able to control it when you’re grinding away, out to supper or pretty much anyplace you set out to do it! Likewise, it is hushed (or as close to noiseless as a quiet vibrator can be!).

Publicized as the most silent vibrator available, the Vibease is the ideal toy for when you need to have some fun times.

Regularly getting it on with your partner out in the open is somewhat more fun in principle than it is practically speaking. You need to complete everything as quick as conceivable in case you might get caught.

Be that as it may, with the Vibease, you don’t have any of those issues. All the enjoyment of discreet sex, with no of the hazard. Furthermore, your partner can control it from anyplace on the planet.

Clearly, that is the most compelling part as we’re discussing remote control vibrators that are ideal for long-distance relationships. So how does the controlling part function?

The Vibease is compatible with Android and iPhones and is controlled using the Vibease application. You merely need to set it up to interface your telephone to your lover’s, and he can have full control of your remote vibrator.

Best of all, you don’t need to have similar types of phones. All you need is an Internet connection.

A fun game may be to place it in your underwear in the morning and let your man know, at that point he can nicely surprise you by turning it on at whatever point he feels like it.

Anyway, I’m confident you will use your creativity to get the most joy and fun out of the Vibease.

At long last, if you ever need to use this toy alone, it additionally has a fresh element where it vibrates in sync with fantasy stories so you can turn on a little erotica and let the vibrations do the rest.

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5. OhMiBod Fuse: The Smartest Rabbit Out There

ohmibod bluetooth vibrator

? Click here to read our review of the Fuse

Intrigued by G-spot vibrators but you want something even cooler and stronger? Meet the Fuse by OhMiBod and Kiiroo!

Way back, the Dutch startup Kiiroo launched a pair of teledildonic devices (Onyx and Pearl) that let you have sex from opposite ends of the Internet.

Last year, Kiiroo teamed up with Fleshlight to produce the Launch, a connected and VR-compatible male masturbator.

This time, Kiiroo and OhMiBod partnered to create the Fuse, a dual-stimulating long distance vibrator. Fuse’s touch controls are the first of their kind on the market and give couples more ways to enjoy connectivity than ever before.

Except for the dual stimulation, this modern rabbit-style vibrator shares most of its features with the Kiiroo Pearl 2, which means that the Fuse, like the Pearl, has a touch-control surface on the outside that can be paired with other devices. Its capability to sync with externaldevices (smartphones and smartwatches) is just amazing.

Fuse’s built-in touch-sensitive technology allows the user to control other devices. This bi-directional control allows users to experience truly unique, intimate moments remotely, anytime, anywhere.

You and your partner can now share your pleasure from any distance, as this interactive G-Spot vibrator is fully compatible with some of the best sex toys for men and women: the Fleshlight Launch, the Kiiroo Pearl2, and all other Kiiroo powered adult sex toys. Great sex toys for couples!

OhMiBod Fuse users can enjoy numerous ways to play, such as with a partner but also in synchronization with 2D or VR adult content. It’s one of the rare female-focused pleasure products I have seen that can do such a thing, as well. With the Fuse, it is totally up to you!

Druga odlična stvar je, da je naprava dovolj prijetna, da jo boste želeli uporabljati samostojno .

Zahvaljujoč občutljivosti izdelka na dotik, globlje ko vzamete vibracijo, intenzivnejši so občutki. Ko ga potisnete ven, lahko začutite, kako mehke mravljinčne vibracije dražijo vaše čute.

Uporabite ga za pogumno solo igro in v celoti izkoristite Fuse-jevo tehnologijo, občutljivo na dotik, da poganjate vibracije ali nadzirate užitek drugih na daljavo ali jim dovolite, da nadzirajo vaše .

Vse to kaže, da je podjetje Ohmibod našlo inovativne načine za izboljšanje kakovosti spolnih izkušenj tako, da jim je odprlo misli novim in eksplozivnim načinom uporabe vibratorja . Hvala jim za ta odličen vibrator na dolge razdalje.

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Mimogrede, tukaj je majhno darilo za naročilo vašega vibratorja na daljinsko upravljanje: z uporabo vaše posebne kode za popust ?Fun10?! ?

6. Lovense Ambi: najbolj vsestranski vibrator s kroglami

brezžični vibrator

? Kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati celoten pregled Ambi

Lovense Ambi nima izjemno seksi imena, je pa izjemno vroča igrača, ki jo opisujejo kot “najbolj vsestranski vibrator”??. Je kot Vibease, saj je mini vibrator za stimulacijo klitorisa . Vendar je to kraj, kjer se podobe končajo.

Sploh ni podoben Vibease, Lovense Ambi je oblikovan kot drobna roza igračka s kladivom s ciljem, da lahko spodbudi vaš klitoris.

V primeru, da ga uporabljate za samostojno igro ali ko je vaš moški v bližini, je vključena možnost daljinskega upravljanja, saj jo lahko združite z aplikacijo Lovense Remote , tako kot Lush.

Tekstura izdelka je klasična Lovense. Je udoben in mehak s popolno mero pritiska, ki je bistvenega pomena za užitek .

Najboljša stvar pri njem je, da je tako majhna in priročna, da je namenjena uporabi v vseh situacijah, tudi med seksom, tako da lahko uživate v dodatnih vibracijah.

Vem, da vas morda bolj zanimajo možnosti seksa na dolge razdalje. Vendar so precej podobni tistim pri Lushu (sinhronizacija glasbe, glasovni nadzor, neomejeni vzorci in drugo) , saj uporabljajo isto aplikacijo.

However, it is nice to realize that you can get loads of utilization out of your most loved toys.

I’m sure your man might want to find out about that when he’s controlling it from 4,000 miles away. The toy can be fully controlled by the Lovense application, so distance isn’t an issue.

With regards to vibrations, up to 10 different variations can be saved and pre-programmed.

The Ambi is fun to use for foreplay action as well and is perfect during intercourse.

The shape of the bullet makes it a perfect companion during the lovemaking sessions. It fits into your curves easily and can be manipulated through each sexual position.

Regarding the app, I believe you need to try all the options to know precisely what they feel like, yet something tells me that most ladies wouldn’t mind volunteering for that investigation. If you need to spice things up, your man can make a custom playlist, picking the pattern, length, and strength and surprise you with it.

Or, on the other hand, you can make your own and let him control it! A significant portion of the fun of bringing a toy into your long-distance sexual life is about experimenting.

Ambi indeed turned out to be the ?most versatile bullet vibrator ever” as they claim it to be!

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7. Esthesia: The Rabbit Vibrator by Vibease

vibrator z aplikacijo Vibease

? Click here to read the full Esthesia review

Vibease Esthesia is one of the most exciting means to unleash your deepest sexual desires and experience sensuality in ways never felt before.

This rabbit-shaped and Bluetooth-controlled vibrator is capable of getting you to the orgasm of your wildest imaginations.

Esthesia is curved artistically to exert perfect pressure on your G-spot and clit. The powerful dual stimulators can make you quiver in ecstasy. Its water-resistant nature gives you the opportunity to even use it inside the shower or when relaxing in a bathtub.

Esthesia has been launched in two exotic colors: hot pink and hot purple. The ultra-smooth body is made of soft silicone that is one of the safest and most sensitive things that your vagina deserves. To give you the pleasure of real sex, the material has been intricately crafted to feel like skin.

The insertion is nothing less than real sex where you are master of every touch and sensation. Once you are done, you can simply clean it with soapy water and after drying it is ready to be used again.

Esthesia has been delicately designed to give you a complete sensual experience. Esthesia vibrates in complete silence so that you can only listen to your fantasies and desires without any distraction.

Esthesia also vanishes the distances and make the lovers feel the togetherness at the time when they need to be with each other the most. Esthesia is operated by the buttons as well as the Vibease app giving the partner a chance to arouse and calm please his lady.

There are two buttons on the Esthesia, one for power and the second one for vibration. The vibration button can be used to switch between one of the four vibration patterns available.

The phone application comes in handy for operating it remotely and listening to exotic audiobooks that are synchronized with the vibrations. The app can be a little difficult to learn in the beginning but once learned it is fun to use it.

For all these reasons, Esthesia is an amazing toy and remote-controlled vibrator that has been artistically designed to satisfy the deepest sexual desires of a lady. It can add some spice to your sex life as you and your partner could use it to arouse and explore all those sensitive points.

Now even the physical distances won’t matter because with Esthesia your lover could get naughty with you even when far away.

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The Definitive Buyer’s Guide to Remote Control Vibrators

daljinsko voden vodnik vibratorja

Technology is permeating every aspect of our lives, and all of these devices in our lives are now beginning to communicate.

Your car is talking to your phone and sending you maintenance updates, the newest refrigerators know when you need milk and can send your grocery list to the cloud.

With all of this advancing technology, it’s inevitable that sex toys will be no different. We aren’t simply talking about realistic look or feel anymore, we now expect our sex toys to do more.

Every year there are more and more innovations in sex toys and each of those innovations has the potential to stimulate you in new ways.

One trend that’s beginning to dominate the sex toy industry is remote control.

Why would I want a remote control?

If you’re wondering why you might want your sex toy to be controlled remotely, think of who might be on the controlling end.

Sure, you can hold the remote and control your own stimulation, but these toys are meant to be shared. It’s often freeing and quite exciting to turn over control over your toy to someone else, and let them decided how you should be stimulated.

If you’re lucky enough, you have someone who knows what you like better than yourself. If you don’t, a sex toy might be a perfect way to show them how to get you off.

Why would I not want a remote control?

If you’re using your sex toys alone, and you don’t intend to change that, then a remote control might be an unnecessary feature for you.

This won’t be a lot of people, because even if you’re single now, it’s likely you’ll soon find someone who’s worthy of holding your remote.

najboljši-nasveti-vibratorji za daljinsko upravljanje

Is remote control right for you?

As we’ve already mentioned, remote control sex toys are invaluable tools for someone to learn how you like to be touched.

They can control the vibration, pulsation, intensity, and many other options so they can watch your face and find out through trial and error how to rock your world.

Beyond that value, remote control sex toys are a must-have for any lovers who need to be apart often.

Either because of a long distance relationship or if one of you travels, distance can put a real strain on a relationship.

You can ease that strain by using remote control sex toys, as many of them can be controlled via an Internet connection.

You can be at home in bed while getting pleasured remotely by someone across the world; this isn’t simply masturbation anymore, this is virtual sex.

Vibrator za daljinsko upravljanje na dolge razdalje

The 5 most common features


This is becoming more common among all sex toys, and remote control sex toys are no exception.

Some people find using sex toys while in the bath to be an unbeatable experience, and you need a waterproof toy for that.

At the least, most sex toys are at least resistant to water because sex tends to get messy.

Cordless control

This is common among nearly all remote control sex toys available today; wireless technology is so common that you aren’t tethered to a cord anymore.

Wires can get in the way, and nothing should get in the way of your pleasure.

Local control

All remote control sex toys are controllable when you’re in the same room, either with an included controller or via smartphone. These are meant for in-bedroom play.

You can use these toys to warm up for a traditional sexual experience, or the toys can be the entire experience.

vibratorji za nadzor bližnjega dosega

Long distance control

More toys every year can be controlled via an Internet connection via a smartphone app.

You can turn over control of your device to your lover in a hotel room, or even spice up some flirty phone calls with a potential lover.

It’s a safe and secure way to feel a little slutty by turning over control of your sex toy to someone you just met.

It will be enjoyable for them as they can bring you to a screaming orgasm while they listen on the other end. Would you turn over control and let someone you just met pleasure you?

Custom vibrations

Many toys can be adjusted from mild to powerful vibrations and many other controllable options.

Besides the controls adjusting the intensity, you can also change the vibration pattern from a stop and go, a wave of up and down intensity, or a full blast for when you’re beginning to moan away.

Nekatere igrače imajo celo udarne gibe, pri katerih motor utripa gor in dol, namesto da preprosto brenči. Te so odlične za stimulacijo G-točke ali prostate, saj so lahko veliko intenzivnejše od preprostih vibracij.

Zelo prefinjene seks igrače združujejo več različnih motorjev za nekoga, ki želi, da ima ljubimec popoln nadzor nad njihovo izkušnjo.

Svojega ljubimca lahko spremenite v spolnega maestra, ki lahko oblikuje program za najmočnejši vrhunec.

Vibrator z daljinskim upravljanjem, ki ga upravlja aplikacija

Bonus funkcije, ki jih je treba iskati


Nekatere seks igrače so namenjene nošenju, tudi za ves dan. S temi se lahko vaš ljubimec odloči, kdaj boste dobili malo stimulativnega žgečkanja ali kdaj bi morali doživeti ogromen orgazem.

To vašemu igranju doda malo presenečenja, saj se lahko začne kadar koli.

Te naprave so običajno vtaknjene v spodnje perilo, nekatere pa imajo celo posebne hlačke z vgrajenim žepom, da to malo čudeže držijo tam, kjer mora biti.

Te lahko nosijo tudi moški, saj izdelujejo raztegljive prstane za petelin s priloženimi vibracijami, ki so namenjeni nošenju ves dan.


Nekateri bolj pustolovski navdušenci nad seksualnimi igračami bi se morda odločili za vstavljivo vibrirajočo igračo.

Imajo veliko teh za ženske in so zasnovane tako, da se vstavijo v nožnico in tam držijo.

Posebej oblikovani so, da ostanejo udobni popolnoma v vasi, medtem ko čakajo na signal, da se vklopijo in začnejo pošiljati močne vibracije naravnost v vašo G-točko.

Izdelujejo tudi vstavljive vibrirajoče zadnjice, ki so namenjene nošenju znotraj anusa, z ozkim koncem, ki sega ven za udobje, in debelim čepom, ki zagotavlja, da ostane v notranjosti tako dolgo, kot želite.

Pri moških lahko ti nenadoma pošljejo močne vibracije neposredno v prostato, ki je moška različica točke G.

Za moške postaja družbeno sprejemljivejše, da raziskujejo magijo stimulacije prostate in je to veliko bolj pogosta praksa med moškimi v heteroseksualnih odnosih.

Ste dovolj pogumni, da greste v službo z zadnjim čepom, medtem ko vaša žena drži nadzor?

javno vzdušje

Možnost povezovanja z drugimi igračami

Nekatere novejše igrače na trgu imajo celo možnost povezave z drugo igračo, tudi na dolge razdalje.

Igrače delujejo skupaj, tako da, ko se intenzivnost poveča na vašem koncu, vaš ljubimec deli enak občutek.

Lahko ležite drug poleg drugega na postelji ali pa pol sveta stran v videoklicu. Ko začutite, da se orgazem začne razvijati, lahko opazujete tudi obraz svojega ljubimca, ko začne dosegati vrhunec.

Številne od teh naprav lahko nadzoruje katera koli oseba, tako da lahko vi in ​​​​vaš ljubimec izmenično raziskujete, kaj vam povzroča pretok krvi.

Ta povezljivost dodaja tudi novo možnost za raziskovanje spletnih odnosov, saj lahko z nekom varno delite intimne trenutke in razvijete spolni odnos, še preden se osebno srečate.

Ko pride do dejanskega seksa, boste že raziskali vsak odtenek njihove spolnosti in svojemu prvem osebnemu srečanju boste dodali nekaj znanja in izkušenj.

To resnično spremeni dinamiko spletnega spogledovanja, saj je pošiljanje golih in seks sporočil le ogrevanje za povezano izkušnjo.

Complex connected apps

While some remote control sex toys give you the freedom to control the intensity, some companies really step up the application to enhance the experience.

Some apps come with pre-programmed sex patterns or allow you to create your own, so you can save your best experiences and tinker with them to create incredible climaxes.

Some apps are constantly being uploaded with new features and options, so your fun changes with every software update.

These toys have taken the on/off button controlled vibrators and made them prehistoric.

Vibe daljinskega upravljalnika na dolge razdalje

Sexual enhancers

While most devices are meant to be a stand-alone toy to provide all of the stimulation that you need, a select few devices are meant to enhance a normal sexual experience.

These toys can be worn by a man or a woman, and they can add some vibration to spice up a sexual encounter.

This includes vibrating cock rings to be worn over the base of the penis or toys that can be inserted into the vagina and emit stimulating vibrations from deep within, which you can both feel.

You can take turns adjusting the controls, or even invite an observer into your bedroom to enjoy the view and add their input.

Don’t judge, this is a more common thing that you would think.

Virtual reality compatible

Now you’re in the 21st century; some remote control sex toys are compatible with VR headsets.

You can use your sex toy while you disappear into a VR world. While you or your partner takes the controls, you can actually be seeing yourself have sex right in front of your eyes.

Pri moških lahko stimulirate svoj penis, medtem ko pogledate navzgor in vidite žensko, ki vas obkroža in jaha, ali če želite, lahko vidite njene oči, ko vas vzame v usta.

To lahko doživijo tudi ženske, saj njihov vibrator stimulira njihova najbolj občutljiva področja, lahko vidijo virtualnega ljubimca, ki jih ugaja, in slišijo godrnjanje in stokanje, ko te njegov penis vedno znova vodi do vrhunca.

Če povežete svojo igračo in slušalke za navidezno resničnost z ljubimcem, jih lahko vidite in slišite, kako stokajo, ko oba skupaj dosežete vrhunec.

Po takšni izkušnji morda ne boste nikoli več želeli vanilijevega seksa.

igrače na daljinsko upravljanje

Iskanje najboljše igrače za daljinsko upravljanje za vas

Ko ste pripravljeni stopiti v svet seks igrač na daljinsko upravljanje, morate biti pametni pri izbiri.

Na voljo jih je toliko, z zelo širokim razponom cen in funkcij, da je pogosto težko začeti iskati.

Tukaj je nekaj vprašanj, ki si jih morate zastaviti, preden se odločite za seks igračo.

Ga boste uporabljali na dolge razdalje?

Najprej se morate odločiti, ali se boste igrali s svojo spolno igračo, medtem ko ste v isti sobi ali ne.

Če ste pogosti potniki ali imate kakšen drug razlog, zaradi katerega se ločite od ljubimca, boste zagotovo želeli izbrati igračo, ki deluje na dolge razdalje, kot so tiste iz Lovense .

To je čudovita lastnost, ki vas lahko ohranja spolno povezane, ko ste narazen. Če ste predvsem par samo v spalnici, lahko to možnost preskočite.

Je to za ogrevanje ali vse skupaj?

Nekatere seksualne igrače so namenjene le draženju in poživljanju vaših sokov, niso pa nujno namenjene temu, da vas popeljejo v zgodnje strasti.

Če iščete le nekaj stimulacije, preden se lotite, so majhne in manj zmogljive igrače, ki vam bodo pomagale.

Če želite, da vas vaša igrača popelje na luno in nazaj, poskrbite, da bo za to dovolj močna.

Ga boste uporabili v kopeli?

Ste masturbator v kadi?

Če ste, se boste zagotovo želeli prepričati, da je vaša igrača nepremočljiva, saj bo to verjetno ena vaših najljubših igrač za uporabo in tega malega čudeža ne želite pustiti na kopalniškem pultu, medtem ko se namakate.

vibratorji za upravljanje na dolge razdalje

Ga boš nosil ves dan?

Ali boste seks igračo preprosto vzeli ven, medtem ko se bo zabava v spalnici začela, ali je to nekaj, kar boste nosili čez dan?

If you’re looking to turn over control of giving you pleasure to someone else all day long, look for a toy that’s wearable.

Also, if this is something you’ll go through your day wearing, you should shop for a quiet one so you aren’t offending everyone on the bus with the buzz coming from your panties.

Will this be a shared experience?

Do you intend to use this toy alone, while your partner watches or listens over the phone, or do you want an interactive experience?

If you want to truly share a moment especially long-distance, it really drives the intensity up if your lover is feeling the same thing. Even if you don’t currently have a lover to share your fun with, I’m sure that won’t last long.

The only problem is you may have to find someone who has compatible remote control sex toys like yourself.

Perhaps that will be soon be on your online dating profile, which brand of interactive sex toys you prefer.

Are you a tinkerer?

Are you someone who likes to make things a little bit better?

Are you someone who likes to tinker with everything until they’re just right? Or is your partner this person?

If so, you may want to look a little deeper at the app that comes with your sex toy. Some apps simply have the same boring controls like on/off or higher or lower intensity, and those probably won’t work for you.

If you’re this person, you’re looking to fine-tune and perfect your experience.

Some online communities even are sharing their personal stimulating patterns with each other, so they’re actually crowdsourcing their masturbation or virtual sex. Quite an amazing time we’re living in.

Having answered all of these questions, you are now ready to begin shopping for your remote control sex toys.

You now know which features will be essential for you, and which ones you can compromise on.

You will still find more options than you would believe, but now your options are far narrower.

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Frequently asked questions:

What kind of batteries are used in these?

Very few sex toys use batteries anymore, they are almost always rechargeable. Many of them have a long-lasting lithium battery with a USB compatible charging port.

Is there a delayed connection when you’re far away?

Ne, internet deluje zelo hitro, tako da takoj, ko pritisnete gumb, vaš ljubimec to začuti.

Ali je udobno nositi vibrator ves dan?

Res je odvisno, nekatere se preprosto diskretno zataknejo v spodnje perilo in so primerne za nošenje ves dan. Vse, kar je mogoče vstaviti, je običajno odvisno od osebe.

Nekateri ljudje lahko ves dan udobno držijo zadnjični čep ali vaginalno jajce, nekaterim pa je to morda neprijetno.

Najboljši nasvet, poskusite te stvari doma, preden se podate v svet.

Bo kdo znal povedati, da imam to na/v sebi?

Ko je izklopljena, ne, čutili boste lahko samo vi. Ko je vklopljen, je vse odvisno od vas in igrače.

Nekatere igrače so zelo tihe; sposobni so oddajati močne vibracije in komaj oddajajo zvok. Nekateri bodo imeli zelo glasen in očiten brenčanje. Poleg brenčanja pa je odvisno od vas.

Ali si lahko ugrizneš ustnico in izjahaš orgazem, ne da bi pokukal, ali si kričalec, ki bo nenadoma zarjal, ki bo zbudil mrtve? Kakorkoli že, bodi vljuden.

Razumem, da je skrivnostnost v javnosti del vznemirjenja, vendar moraš poznati sebe in ali si sposoben obdržati dovolj zbranosti, da si diskreten.

Prav tako bodite previdni, če boste vozili oblečeni v enega od teh, ga izklopite, da ne boste uničili vrhunca s trčenjem v fanta pred vami.

vibratorji na daljinsko upravljanje

Končne misli o najboljših vibratorjih na daljinsko upravljanje

Iz kakšnega razloga tega članka ne bi poslali svojemu moškemu in mu povedali, kaj naj vam prinese, ko vas mora presenetiti?

Vibrator na daljinsko upravljanje se nikoli ne bo primerjal s tem, da bi bil vaš moški doma s tabo? Vendar pa se lahko resnično prekleto blizu .

Še posebej priporočam Lovense Lush 2 , Vibease in izdelke iz Ohmiboda , druge igrače pa so morda ravno pravšnje za vas, zato poskusite in nam sporočite!

Če na tem seznamu niste našli popolnega izdelka, vas spodbujam, da preberete moj članek o 5+ najboljših seksih na dolge razdalje (Teledildonics) za odnose na daljavo !

Želite prebrati več o najboljših vibratorjih na daljinsko upravljanje?

Vabljeni, da si oglejte članek, ki so ga napisali naši dobri prijatelji na Teledildonics.co o svojih najljubših daljinskih vibratorjih ali o Top 6 najboljših seksih, ki jih nadzoruje aplikacija Jane Louis iz HerToysReview.com!

? Kliknite tukaj, če želite izvedeti več o igračah Lovense (naše priljubljene) ali naročite svoje zdaj (Max & Nora, Lush, Hush, Ambi in še več)!

– Dr. Emma Charles

Author: Erika

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